In 1991, the unlikely pairing of the extraordinary guitarist Henry Kaiser and the talented multi-instrumentalist David Lindley resulted in a trip to Madagascar and an even more unlikely collaboration with dozens of Malagasy musicians in the creation and recording of a series of CDs, the first of which was released as A World Out of Time. The second of these wonderful recordings has just recently been released by the New Jersey-based Shanachie Records, and it deserves a space on every music lover’s shelf.
A World Out Of Time, Volume 2 picks up where its predecessor left off, showcasing the talents of the many musicians of Madagascar, often accompanied by Kaiser and Lindley, and as captured by a pair of German producers in their portable studio. The results are simply beautiful, the seventeen songs presented here illustrating the diversity of the island’s musical heritage, which ranges from traditionally-oriented Malagasy Folk to a more Western-influenced pop style. Most of the songs included here, however, showcase a musical identity entirely indigenous to this island paradise, their melodies and rhythms as lush and complex as the rural countryside they spring from. Plans are for Shanachie to release a third volume in this series in the future. Albums from a number of Malagasy artists are also available from Shanachie. (Shanachie Records, 1993)
Review originally published by R.A.D! Review and Discussion of Rock ‘n’ Roll zine, December 1993
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